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  1. 30 votes

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  2. Import all stories from each feed and maintain archive of all stories going forward

    I have been using Google Reader as a historical record of posts as well as a way of keeping up to date with news. Among other things, it's enabled me to search for past articles in my feed that I may not necessarily have starred. (This has also been very helpful on occasions when a blog or site has closed but I've still wanted to refer to the articles it contained.)

    But for this to work, all the past posts need to be imported from Google Reader. And, correspondingly, the service should keep all stories (not just the most recent…

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  3. Introduce a View of Articles Grouped by Feed

    I like to read my articles by feed. Therefore, I would love to have a view of articles grouped by feed.

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  4. I'd like to be able to add email subscriptions as a bazqux feed.

    not everyone has RSS feeds - if i could read certain kinds of emails as bazqux feeds instead of in my mail i'd be happy.

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  5. Updating unread count

    The undread count in the subsciption list should automatically update when items are read in another browser, or new items are crawled.

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  6. 4 votes

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  7. Заголовок у записей без заголовка

    У GR у записей, у которых не было заголовка, отображалось "без названия", насколько я помню. И по такому заголовку можно было щелкнуть и перейти на оригинальную запись.
    В BQ если заголовка нет, то и ссылки нет. Особенно это неудобно в ЖЖ, где часто не дают заголовок постам, и чтобы перейти в пост для комментирования, нужно открывать весь журнал автора и искать интересующую запись.

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    Время поста является ссылкой. Также можно перейти, нажав клавишу “v” или “b”. Вставлять заголовок-заглушку не планирую, т.к. есть G+/FB/Twitter у которых заголовков в принципе нет (равно как нет его и у большинства комментариев).

  8. Implement SQRL Authentication

    Its actually not quite ready for implementation, but SQRL Auth really should be on your timeline. Eliminates the need to tie accounts to other services !

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  9. Display inactive subscriptions

    It will be very helpful to get possibility filter subscriptions that inactive some times to remove or update feed url, sometimes feed url can changed and it is hard to detect what subscription is obsolete

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  10. Sort articles by subject (alphabetical by title) within a subscription or folder

    Any chance of adding the ability to sort articles by subject (alphabetical by title) within a subscription or folder, similar to how Vienna does?

    Many articles have the same subject because they are all part of the same thread. When viewing by Date, an article with the same subject (in the same thread) could be repeated dozens of times (and at different times) in a feed or folder.

    Sorting (or grouping) them all alphabetically by SUBJECT would allow us to quickly skim the titles, sorted alphabetically, and quickly skip through repeated subjects, or mark them all read, all at once,…

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  11. Add a way to be notified if a subscribed feed breaks

    When I left feedly and came here, I was delighted to find that feeds that I've subscribed to in the past would display an error icon if it 404'd or timed out or was otherwise unavailable. I was also appalled to see just how many of my old feeds were now broken. For when this happens again, I'd like a way to know about it, without necessarily coming to the main site to do it. (I use Reeder more than the main site.)

    Naturally, this would have to be done in an unobtrusive and not annoying way. I'm thinking it…

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  12. parser text only

    use al alternative full text parser without image, video etc

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  13. Bug report -- Server Error: filterForest: search request failed?

    I'm not sure if this is the correct place to report bugs, so please let me know if it is not (and I'll move this to wherever is appropriate).

    I get the following error whenever searching with a string that contains any open or close square brackets or a colon (I haven't tested other non-alphanumeric characters, but it's possible they also have such issues). A representative error is below

    filterForest: search request failed? ["[closed","brain","get good","stressed","youtuber"] DRError "HTTP 400 Bad Request" CallStack (from HasCallStack): error, called at Search.hs:938:13 in bazqux-0.1-inplace:Search

    Note that the most recent search in the list ("[closed") is…

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    Sorry, for some reason I haven’t answered it earlier.

    It’s better to send bug reports to, UserVoice is for proposing new features and voting for them.

    Search errors should be displayed much better now.

    And, yes, you’re right — it’s due to unescaped [ character.

    Unfortunately, punctuation is currently ignored. So it’s impossible to search for [. Even if you write “[cs.LG]” (or escaped \[cs.LG\]) it will only search for cs.LG.

    I’m planning to improve search so it will be possible to search for punctuation too but can’t say ETA.

  14. Twitter replies

    This is most likely too complex to make it happen on BazQux, but I want to confirm that it really isn't possible.

    Right now you can subscribe to Twitter users and automatically see all replies or subscribe and exclude all replies.

    What I'm curious about is the middle course and as it works on Twitter where you only see replies/conversations between people you follow, so unless you have both persons in your list, you won't see any replies.

    Now I'm not an expert in this field, but what I imagined is that BazQux somehow recognizes the Twitter users you have…

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  15. Facebook feed

    Hello, Thank you for this really fast and useful reader. It is the best of all I have tested yet.

    For couple of days I was surprised to discover the possibility to subscribe to a facebook wall of someone. But it works only for some accounts and for others not.

    It does not work for
    but it works for

    thank you for your assistance.

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  16. 1 vote

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  17. Sort by feed title

    In addition to sorting by newest or oldest, it would be great if we could sort by feed title.

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  18. permanent readability for some feeds

    I would like to have an option to make articles of a feed always shown with readability. That would make reading more easier than always clicking the sofa or hitting the "g" on the keyboard.

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  19. Folder in folder (multilevel folders) support

    Folder in folder support, please))

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  20. increase feed storage

    Old feed data should minimum be kept for 30 days and 1000 items.
    Preferably it should be kept for infinity (maybe only limit unread count).
    This is especially important for reading webcomic backlogs.

    As you are not storing any rich media there really should be room for improvement in this area.

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