Allow authentication via Mozilla Persona

Mozilla stopped Persona development, so I don’t think it worth to implement it. I like the idea but it didn’t take off.
Jerome Leclanche commented
Mozilla Persona is not just "another third party login service", it is a fully distributed authentication service. If Mozilla decides to abandon Persona, while the current Persona server they run will disappear, it will not prevent authentication with browserid.
I highly recommend you look into it further. Long term, what Mozilla is doing with Persona is the Right Way To Do Things and support for it in bazqux would be fantastic.
Quick overview and more links: -
I don't think that I will implement this. Recent history with MyOpenID have shown that it isn't good to rely on third-party sign in. What if Mozilla decide to abandon Mozilla Persona?
I need to implement some way of easy switching between identity providers first. Only after this it will be possible to add a new 3rd party login (so users can easily switch to other provider in case of Mozilla Persona will be abandoned).
And I'm afraid there are many other important things to do before adding another 3rd party login service.