I'd like to be able to add email subscriptions as a bazqux feed.
not everyone has RSS feeds - if i could read certain kinds of emails as bazqux feeds instead of in my mail i'd be happy.

Duplicate of
please, vote here.
It seems there are no option to move votes, but I declined this idea and asked people to vote on https://bazqux.uservoice.com/forums/190752-general/suggestions/9080128-ability-to-read-email-newsletters-using-a-bazqux
Philip White commented
This is a duplicate of https://bazqux.uservoice.com/forums/190752-general/suggestions/9080128-ability-to-read-email-newsletters-using-a-bazqux. Can we combine their votes?
Haven't thought yet. It's still good idea. But I can only suggest to use external service at the moment.
Jamie A commented
Given anymore thought to implementing this?
Jamie A commented
In the short term, you could try a service like http://emails2rss.appspot.com/, but I would love the ability to have something like username+<whatever name>@gateway.bazqux.com where <whatever name> would show up as a feed in my Bazqux account that I can put into a folder just as a normal feed.
Good idea. I'm thinking to implement it in future.