Bug report -- Server Error: filterForest: search request failed?
I'm not sure if this is the correct place to report bugs, so please let me know if it is not (and I'll move this to wherever is appropriate).
I get the following error whenever searching with a string that contains any open or close square brackets or a colon (I haven't tested other non-alphanumeric characters, but it's possible they also have such issues). A representative error is below
filterForest: search request failed? ["[closed","brain","get good","stressed","youtuber"] DRError "HTTP 400 Bad Request" CallStack (from HasCallStack): error, called at Search.hs:938:13 in bazqux-0.1-inplace:Search
Note that the most recent search in the list ("[closed") is the one that caused the error, and contains the [ character. The remaining strings in that list are other keywords I've previously searched successfully (in order to filter them out from certain feeds). I assume there's some sanitization issue with nonstandard characters being used in search.
I'd like to be able to use such characters to create filters as many feeds I follow use them in ways that distinguish classes of articles I'd like to either see exclusively (ie [cs.LG] from an arxiv feed) or to filter out (eg ones mentioning "Review:" on some other sites)
Irrespective of the above: thank you for this wonderful product you've made! I'm a very happy subscriber as it is, and this is only a minor annoyance.

Sorry, for some reason I haven’t answered it earlier.
It’s better to send bug reports to support@bazqux.com, UserVoice is for proposing new features and voting for them.
Search errors should be displayed much better now.
And, yes, you’re right — it’s due to unescaped [ character.
Unfortunately, punctuation is currently ignored. So it’s impossible to search for [. Even if you write “[cs.LG]” (or escaped \[cs.LG\]) it will only search for cs.LG.
I’m planning to improve search so it will be possible to search for punctuation too but can’t say ETA.