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  1. Automatically star items based on filters

    Would it be possible to star items the same way we can hide them with filters?

    Think of Actions in Feedbin.

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  2. Apple Login

    Implement Apple login as registration method!!

    Facebook and Google are already there, I think it would not be a big problem to add the Apple one too!

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  3. "Updated Articles" category

    On Feedbin, there is an "Updated" category that shows updated articles, with the possibility to highlight the differences between the latest and previous versions (green and red highlight of the text).

    I suppose it shows them only if the word count difference is beyond a certain extent and excludes views/likes/comments counts (otherwise it would become an annoyance to the reader). Moreover, it gives the option to mute updates on a per feed basis.

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  4. Create browser-specific registry or ini file entries for bazqux appearance settings so they are not lost when browser crashes

    Browser crashes happen for diverse reasons, and more often than they should. Unfortunately, due to the current bazqux design, all the (many) bazquz appearance settings need to be reset manually each time the browser crashes. It would be much more convenient to store those settings, by browser, either in the Windows registry or in an ini file in an appropriate bazqux user settings folder.

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  5. Recovery of articles that I have accidentally marked as read

    Sometimes I inadvertently mark articles I want to read as read, but since I only show unread, I have to use the browser's "back" button and press "view all articles" to view them further.
    If possible, I would like to have the function to go back through the articles I have read one by one, but if this is difficult, a shortcut key to toggle "show all"/"show new" would be useful for now.

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  6. support

    Add support service to embed some feeds.

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  7. Automatically scroll selected (open) article to top of reading pane (option)

    At the moment, Bazqux seems to be set up as follows: if you open a long article, the selected article will automatically scroll up to the top of the reading pane, revealing as much of the article as possible. If you select a short article -- one that Bazqux can open in full without moving the reading pane -- it will open the article "in place", even if that is at the bottom of the screen. I think it makes more sense to have a system where the selected article always opens at the top of the reading pane --…

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  8. BazQux "Mini"

    BazQux version of Feedly Mini.
    Mini permits on most web pages the ability to "Star" or "Read Later" these pages.
    It adds to the rss methodology by permitting manual injection of items into the system outwith the Feeds List.
    Could perhaps trigger by bookmarklet.

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  9. Copy to clipboard

    It will be very useful have possibility to copy title of article and link to clipboard for quick sharing.
    It can the following format:

    Title -



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  10. When an article is updated or postscript in the same title, I want to update the date of acquisition. And I want you to re-sorting by date.

    Currently, the contents of the article has been updated. But it has not been updated to the date of acquisition. It is treated as older articles, it is not re-sorting. I do not notice that it has been updated.

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  11. Notify you via email when text appears in one of your feeds.

    Would be nice to get emailed when text (word or phrase) appears in one of your feeds (title or body).

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  12. just show title in list view

    For me it would be easier to read in list view, if only the titles of a feed entry were displayed.
    Now the row is filled up with the text of feed entry. Maybe it could be an option in the settings.

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  13. 3 votes

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  14. Use Help as list of "live" commands

    На больших планшетах (например, 10") можно было бы полноценно пользоваться bazqux из браузера. Совместимые мобильные приложения (News+ и пр.) не дают полного доступа к возможностям bazqux. Только отсутствие клавиатуры мешает. Но есть идея, как вызывать команды без нажатия на клавиши: достаточно сделать "живыми" команды в окне Help. Например, вместо нажатия f для перевода bazqux в fullscreen/обратно, можно будет вызвать Help и кликнуть на строчку "f fullscreen". Это и для РС-версии будет полезно - вместо запоминания аккордов для редких команд, прямой их вызов.

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  15. Subscribe to Twitter Timeline or Twitter List

    This idea came up a while ago in a comment section. Now I wanted to open an own suggestion post for it and use the opportunity to ask if you still plan to implement it.

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  16. Open full articles (not just text) on web within BazQux Reader

    An option to open full articles (text & images) on web within BazQux Reader

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  17. 3 votes

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  18. Add option to clear search history

    I don't want to see some search hints any more but Delete key and cookies clearing doesn't delete them.

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  19. "View all items" temporarily

    Google Reader (FMM rest its soul) had a nifty usability feature: when all feed items were read, it displayed "View all items" instead of items themselves (just like BazQux). However, it displayed all items only once, not switched feed to "Show all" mode.

    Use case in point: I've accidentally scrolled too far, marking everything as read. Or I want to look up some of the recent items to share the link. Now I click button, which changes feed settings and disappears altogether, so I have to remember to change settings back, and do it in another place.

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  20. Visible divider between content separated widely in time

    I sometimes get a lot of unread news. When trying to get through it I will always start from today and work my way back since news will still come in and it gets more irrelevant the further back I go. This means that there will be gaps of several days between new content and content i haven't had time to go through. I would like there to be some kind of visible border when I reach the end of new and come to the beginning of the backlog.

    This idea could even be expanded to having some kind of…

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