Automatically scroll selected (open) article to top of reading pane (option)
At the moment, Bazqux seems to be set up as follows: if you open a long article, the selected article will automatically scroll up to the top of the reading pane, revealing as much of the article as possible. If you select a short article -- one that Bazqux can open in full without moving the reading pane -- it will open the article "in place", even if that is at the bottom of the screen. I think it makes more sense to have a system where the selected article always opens at the top of the reading pane -- it means your eyes always know where to go as you open an article, which helps if you're reading many articles at speed. This could be introduced as an option in the settings, if the current system suits some people.
I hope that makes sense...

JD commented
Thank you for considering adding my suggestion as a setting. I never used Google Reader to read (only as a sync server) so I did not realise the current Bazqux setting was standard GR behaviour.
I copied this behavior from Google Reader. But probably it worth to add a setting.