AdminVladimir Shabanov (Developer, BazQux Reader)
My feedback
89 results found
1 vote
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1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Fixed issue with time:[now-1d *] filters. Older posts that are no longer relevant are removed.
An error occurred while saving the comment Yes, there's the issue with such filters. New posts are added but old ones aren't removed. I'm going to fix it soon (next week or bit later).
An error occurred while saving the comment Interesting, I need to test it. Do you have just "time:[now-1d *]" filter or more complex one?
An error occurred while saving the comment Interesting idea. Not yet sure about it.
There is already a time-based filter which you could use as a workaround:
time:[now-1d *]
to show only posts from the last day. Maybe it could work for you.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Looks too complex, not yet sure about it.
Perhaps you could try to use "on scroll & on click in list view" option and set YouTube to list view (although it's not the best mode for YouTube). Or you could star/tag YouTube articles you want to watch later.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Hm. You could just click on "Latest" to show all items. No need to refresh page. There is also keyboard shortcut "d then a" ("display all", there are more such shortcuts, press 'h' to see them). And you could use browser's back button.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment You could mark all posts read then go to Settings => "Filters & streams" then edit filter and uncheck feed to see what posts were filtered out (they will become new unread posts). Then you could edit filter and check feed back again.
Or you could edit filter and change its query from
some query
NOT (some query)
then filter will be inverted.Perhaps I could add some debug view mode that only shows posts that are filtered out but can't say when I get to it.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment It's quite a big task. Not sure yet about it.
There's which is free for 100 tasks per month that has a lot of automation. You could create a smart stream, then create a public feed for it
and then use Zapier with this feed. -
217 votes
BazQux Reader now has a nice mobile web interface 3 (iOS & Mac) (iOS)
(you need to add Fever account and set as a server).Feeddler Pro (iOS) Feeds (iOS) (iOS) Subscriber (previously SlowFeeds) (iOS) RSS (Mac)
http://www.vienna-rss.comReadKit (Mac) supported via Fever API
FeedMe (Android) (Android) (Android) Reader supports both Google Reader API and Fever API
Please tell developers of your favorite app to add support for BazQux Reader.An error occurred while saving the comment I don't have plans to create app at the moment since website works much better than apps (smooth infinite scrolling without constantly swiping article and articles list). Perhaps I could create app which is just a website with some additional features (like bookmarking from OS) but not more.
Try to add website to home screen. It will behave mostly like app (and many people actually prefer it to apps).
And quality app requires a lot of effort (Reeder turned 10 years recently). I'd better focus on the best web experience than to compete with apps like Reeder or FeedMe.
An error occurred while saving the comment No news about WP8 so far.
An error occurred while saving the comment Maxim, I'm planning to add comments to API but at the moment I'm busy implementing few most requested features.
An error occurred while saving the comment Возможно это приложение заработает под Windows Phone (хотя оно больше не разрабатывается), надо задать как сервер Fever
An error occurred while saving the comment Это больше зависит от разработчиков этих ридеров. Стоит им написать, попросить, чтобы интегрировали
An error occurred while saving the comment JustReader developer is planning to support BazQux. But he integrating Feedly at the moment (almost finished and released beta today).
An error occurred while saving the comment А какие у него концептуальные недостатки?
С JustReader оказалась беда. Он не совсем стандартно работает с API. В итоге часть сообщений не синхронизируется. А времени у разработчика пока нет.
Возможно, я специально для JustReader буду чуть иначе выдавать результаты. Будет различаться порядок и время сообщений между веб и JustReader, но зато они будут все видны.
Но все же надеюсь, что он подправит.
An error occurred while saving the comment Все-таки gReader нас услышал!topic/g_reader/fNwf_UvqpCQ
An error occurred while saving the comment Думаю, что JustReader все-таки добавит поддержку.
А на счет gReader и Feedly. Оказалось, что их Feedly API не совместимо с Google Reader и, к тому же, пока еще очень глюкавое. Т.е., мало того, что разработчикам приложений надо их переделывать под новое API, так еще и с чужими глюками бороться.
В общем, мне кажется, они пока сильно заняты интеграцией с Feedly и по-этому игнорируют остальные запросы. Хотя у gReader последние несколько страниц форума завалены просьбами о BazQux.
An error occurred while saving the comment Под Андроид ни одной. Пока получил ответ только от JustReader-а, но он сейчас очень занят. Потестирует попозже.
Остальные пока не отвечают. Думаю, чем больше народу их попросит об интеграции (или хотя бы добавлении настройки адреса сервера), тем лучше.
An error occurred while saving the comment Я тоже не могу понять, почему так сложно добавить одну строчку настроек.
Mr.Reader сделал это сразу после анонса о закрытии Google Reader, а остальные почему-то не могут.
У gReader последние страницы форума завалены просьбами об интеграции с BazQux Reader, а от них ни слуху ни духу.
An error occurred while saving the comment Я им уже писал неделю назад, просил выслать тестовую версию с замененным на адресом API, но не получил ответа.
Где-то сегодня-завтра я закончу с API и напишу им еще раз. Им уже не надо будет высылать тестовую версию, т.к. API будет публично доступно. Надеюсь, так им будет проще.
An error occurred while saving the comment Своего мобильного приложения до 1 июля точно не будет. Но через пару-тройку недель сделаю Google Reader API, так что можно будет читать через существующие приложения (им понадобится только добавить возможность выбрать вместо в качестве сервера).
An error occurred while saving the comment I'm planning to implement Google Reader API so existing apps could be quickly integrated with BazQux Reader.
AdminVladimir Shabanov (Developer, BazQux Reader) shared this idea · -
6 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment I'm not sure that custom CSS is necessary now. You could easily break site, so a way to restore it will be needed. Plus separate CSS could be needed on desktop/mobile. So additional complexities of selecting what part of CSS to enable and where. Not sure it worth the trouble.
What would you like to customize with CSS?
An error occurred while saving the comment Good idea. I'm planning to add themes (fonts, sizes, colors) this year and why not add user CSS for advanced tuning.
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment TikTok seems to only have a share API. But perhaps it's possible to scrap its site. I could try to implement it if enough people will ask for it.
2 votes
You can now open article menu with a right swipe on mobile error occurred while saving the comment I'm planning to add swipes on mobile.
Thinking to add menu, so it'll be possible to star/tag/share too.
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment If you like to temporarily hide some articles then filters is a way to go.
Unlike Feedbin filters in BazQux do not mark articles as read, they just hide them. Once you remove filter you'll see hidden articles again.
In general I don't like idea of some actions or rules. It's too easy to star or mark read too many articles at once.
An error occurred while saving the comment Not sure yet about it. You could create a smart stream and filtered items will go to it.
Why you want them to be starred?
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Thank you for the idea. I'll think, maybe I'll implement it.
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment I'm thinking to implement Reeder-like Unread/Starred/All switch to make one-click switching between "show all"/"show new" modes. And I'm also planning to add recently read section. Which should help too.
19 votes
I’ve installed Five Filters Full-Text RSS service on one of my servers.
Try it to convert truncated feeds to full ones
http://ftr.bazqux.comI don’t want to add button that changes feed URL (starred/tagged items will become linked to another feed and it will be harder to export feed to other readers). Prefer getting full text for the whole feed inside the reader but it will require more work so I can’t say ETA.
An error occurred while saving the comment Yes, I'm planning to keep it. I would recommend to switch truncated feeds only since there is no point to pass full feeds to it.
Also other feed readers are blocked from accessing so you might have issues if you'll want to use another reader (need to edit URLs in OPML).
An error occurred while saving the comment There is a Readability button (or 'g' shortcut) to get full text of current post.
You can copy feed address that gives you. They are very slow at serving feeds so I'm not yet sure I want to integrate them. Too many feeds -- too slow refresh rate.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment I'm not yet sure about this feature. I'm planning to implement "Recently read" section which could partially help there. And you may select "Show all" and select list view mode -- that way you could find read items more or less quickly.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment I'm planning to implement it but can't say ETA.
Folders are already exported in OPML file.
As a workaround for exporting of starred/tagged items you could create public feed (right click on "Starred items" => Public feed => Enable) and save it (you might add ?n=1000 to URL to save more items). It will save items as RSS feed.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment I've added marking read/unread with Shift+Click on the post image in mosaic/magazine view.
An error occurred while saving the comment It's possible to toggle read state using Shift+Click in list view. But not yet in mosaic. I will add it too
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment I don't like idea of bloating mosaic view with additional buttons. But I think it should be possible to show them when pressing Shift/Alt/Ctrl/Cmd key.
11 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment I'm planning to add "Recently read" section. Maybe even this spring.
5 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment In general preferred method is to star article you want to read later (although it may lead to lots unread starred items).
I'm planning to add Reeder-like all/unread/starred switch where you can see feeds with starred items only. It could simplify searching of unread starred items.
I don't want to complicate reader by adding yet another message state.
There is a similar option which quite a few people want (mostly people coming from Feeddler app I presume).
Interesting, if there will be a "keep unread" state (when item marked as read only by manually clicking on it, or pressing 'm') coupled with option to place such items first/last/chronologically in feed, will it work for you?
Thank you for the kind words!
I'm planning to add this. But can't say when I get to it.