Ability to disable feeds
I have a lot of feeds and not a lot of time. I have a few tagged with "Must read" but there are a bunch that I only want to look at occasionally or rarely.
Rather than wasting resources fetching them all the time, is it possible to create a special tag/folder called "Disabled" and I can keep feeds I don't want to regularly read from in there. This way those feeds won't constantly be fetched.

You could mute feeds using filter. Search for * (i.e. everything), then "New filter" => "Hide found items". Then you could edit filter in settings and add any feeds you want to disable. When you want to read feeds you could uncheck them or change filter to NOT * (so it won't hide anything).
I'm also thinking about option to select which feeds to show in Latest stream. So you could remove some feeds from it and show them only in folder or when feed is directly selected.
Disabling feed fetching completely is problematic since feed could be shared with other people, plus some articles could be missed and there will be holes in feed history which won't look nice when you return to read this feed.