Drag and drop reordering of feeds in left column
Similar to Google Reader

Working on it right now. Planning to finish next week.
Jose Fuentes commented
Good you've been working on Reordering.... would be nice if you could give an status update, just to have an expectation when realistically it will be available...
It should be alphabetical if you didn't reordered feeds in Mr.Reader or Feeddler.
Boris commented
I'm very happy with automatic alphabetic ordering, can you keep manual reordering as an option which can be deactivated?
Desidério Murcho commented
I just reordered my feeds in Mr Reader. It is still a pain because Mr Reader has no way to automatically put all feed in alphabetical order. I hope you are considering allowing including a simple way of ordering feeds alphabetically, just like AOL Reader, for instance.
Panah Rad commented
I love this reader. But re-ordering feeds, especially if you have a ton, is such a pain. I really hope the developer is considering this? Maybe this feature already exists but I can't see it. The drag & drop feature of Google Reader was so nice.
Andrew Forde commented
Yes, on the web UI this makes sense. Folder management is ok once you are use to it but drag and drop is much more 'natural' today and would work well here.
Charles Olney commented
I really like the look of Bazqux and would love to switch, but honestly the lack of this feature is a deal breaker. Can this really be difficult to implement?
Anonymous commented
And: reordering of folders, too.
Сергей Пименов commented