110 results found
Sort by feeds
Inside the folder, option for sort by feed first then by time.
Similar as in Mr. Reader.45 votes -
ctrl+click should open the news item in a new tab. work in chrome, not in firefox
ctrl+click should open the news item in a new tab. work in chrome, not in firefox
1 voteIt’s a bug in Firefox. Added workaround. Should work now.
1 vote
Mark all as Read should not clear the view (WebUI)
Currently, clicking the Mark As Read button also clears the article list view. There's no functional value to clearing the view, whereas if the read-state were updated but the list left intact, the user could (for example) mark all as read and then still view or mark unread the one or two remaining interesting articles.
13 votesDone
Add support for PubSubHubbub protocol.
Allows for RSS to be virtually real-time, rather than fixed polling period.4 votesSupported over a year ago. But not all feeds support PubSubHubbub
IFTTT Channel
It would be great to see an IFTTT Chanel added to allow IFTTT to interact with our bazqux subscriptions. Reader had this, Feedly has it now, it might be easy to work with IFTTT to implement a channel based on the Reader channel.
46 votesIt’s now possible to use IFTTT with new public feed feature -
Remove subscriptions
Perhaps I'm missing it, but there only seems to be a way add new sites. Please provide a mechanism for removing subscriptions.
1 voteSelect the feed and click Unsubscribe in drop down menu above articles list (“N New” / “Show all” button)
Larger message font
Currently the message font is a bit small (for me). It would be nice if you can set a minimal font size for the message (only the message, not the whole page).
38 votesIt’s now possible to change font size by using – = or _ + keyboard shortcuts -
Fully implement Pocket API.
Currently the Pocket share service isn't using the API. So you get directed to a pocket edit screen when you click it, which you then have to close. This takes away from the 'one click, read later' aspect of the service.
57 votes -
Add some date ranges to 'mark all as read'.
Google reader has a drop down button on its 'mark all as read' that lets you set a date range. "'All items, items older than a day, items older than a week". I miss that on BazQux.
54 votes -
Bookmarklet to subscribe to feeds
Please create a bookmarklet to subscribe to feeds.
8 votesDrag Subscribe link from the bottom of this post to your bookmarks bar.
(link is also available in Resources section of Help). -
Space bar navigation should stop at each article
While you're using the space bar to scroll along, Even if an article is 1.5 pages long, when you click SPACE again, the next article should stop at the top of the reading pane. Basiclaly a hybrid page\down and next article behavior.
3 votesSpacebar now doesn’t select next article until current one is fully read. That means that next article is always scrolled to top when it selected on the next spacebar press. -
5 votes
It’s now possible to Shift+Click on post header to mark it read -
Delete account & data
After reviewing with the service I realized that it does not fit me. I haven't found corresponding button deleting the account with all the data.
Just do it.32 votesIt’s now possible to delete account and all the data via this page (accessible from FAQ, privacy policy and trial expired page) -
More keyboard commands
I'd like to be able to read all my news by keyboard commands alone, like I could with the original Google Reader. A lot of things are implemented, but many are not.
For instance, I cannot navigate between feeds like I could on Google Reader with Shift-p/n commands.
Google Reader offered the following commands:
j/k: next/previous item
space: next item or page
<Shift> + space: previous item or page
n/p: item scan down/up (list only)
<Shift> + n/p: next/previous subscription
<Shift> + x: expand folder
<Shift> + o: open subscription or folder
r: refresh
f: toggle full screen…59 votesAlmost all of them are now implemented
Since ‘g’ is already busy for Readability I’ve changed “g then ..” to “d then ..”. It’s actually even easier, since your don’t need to move finger. -
Direct link for posts without header
Right now I can go to the article page by clicking on the header of the article in bazqux. But for those without a header there is no way, alas. Trifle, but really annoying.
3 votesYou may click on post time. It’s a link to post (like in Twitter).
Spacebar (and j) advances to next folder when all items are read
When reading with the spacebar (or j), bq should advance to the next folder when the last item is read in the current folder.
48 votes -
Offer Traditional User Account Registration
Please offer a traditional user account registration with Email/Password.
The options to login via FB, Google, Twitter or OpenID creates a dependency on another service - not so good after we learned how easy e.g. Google kicked us out.
Also, I do not want to give my email/personal details to a central location or trust them with my password (hello NSA :-).
137 votes -
Implement an Adaptive Design
The way the design works today, the full page is slightly larger than the screen 1920x1080 Adroid Chrome landscape screen (on Cyanogenmod 10.1). A properly implemented adaptive design should fix this and give you a proper layout for this, portrait and all resolutions in-between.
3 votesDone (a couple years ago) -
Increase frequency of feed inquiries
Looks like GR is working slightly faster on getting news.
3 votesI think that feed fetching rate is more or less adequate. Nobody had voted for this since 2013 so I’m closing it.
- Don't see your idea?