Offer Traditional User Account Registration
Please offer a traditional user account registration with Email/Password.
The options to login via FB, Google, Twitter or OpenID creates a dependency on another service - not so good after we learned how easy e.g. Google kicked us out.
Also, I do not want to give my email/personal details to a central location or trust them with my password (hello NSA :-).
Harry R commented
Works perfectly! Thank you.
Olaf commented
Great, thanks Vladimir!
Ivan commented
At least give options to add another social media authentication provider for the ones who want to close/move services.
I'm thinking to add traditional e-mail/password accounts in the future. But there are many other things to do at the moment.
Marc commented
Please add this. I don't want to use the social media providers. This would be a reason for me to leave BazQux.
Andreas Brandt commented
Currently I do not log in at all because of the limited options for registration. Mozilla persona would be a service I trust (see but I'd prefer traditional registration too.
Marc commented
I really hope this will be done. I can't wait to disconnect my Twitter account.
Vityaz commented
I agree with Wolf. However, if an authentication system was developed, I would hope it would be possible to switch over to the new system without creating a whole new account.
Wolf commented
I agree that it would be good to have this as an option but implementing user authentication is no trivial task.
I'm guessing that outsourcing authentication to a third party (at least for the moment) is allowing Vladimir to focus on core functionality (starred items, feed management, etc) which, for me at least, is a good call.