add a way to identify duplicate articles (i.e. same title, url) and mark all but one read.

Marc van Breemen commented
It would be great if this would be implemented. Create a way to register articles as being read solely based on the URL, not by the feed it's coming from.
"Hot links", as Vladimir proposed is something else.
Malcolm Cook commented
I agree with "or : if you mark one article read, all other articles with the same URL will get marked read as well" especially if articles appearing multiply were visually indicated somehow that they were present in other subscriptions than the one being viewed
Anonymous commented
It would be great if marking one article read it would mark all of them. I get cross post articles all of the time. One example is the LA Times.
Olaf commented
The "Hot Topics" feature from Fever is not very useful for this I found: these appear out of the context of the other messages in a feed and also most of the time are not really "hot", just duplicated by the publisher into different feeds.
It would be great if Bazqux could identify identical posts in a users feeds, maybe by calculating the content hash value, and just mark them all as read at once.
An example were this would be very useful are the feeds from they offer a general and a Mac specific feed. Some news are posted in both, some just in one or the other.
Jamie A commented
I would be happy if I could sort by title, I subscribe to a number of feeds from places like NPR (Podcasts) and Slashdot that will have some posts be put on multiple feeds. If I could sort by title, I could spot the ones that are duplicates.
Jeff commented
This is my #1 needed feature. My feed list generates the same result for multiple feeds and I would love to have a filter to hide feeds with the exact same title or URL.
Olaf commented
I am reading a few feeds from the publishers that cross post certain articles across multiple feeds (for example, posts some feeds to both their general and their Mac specific feed).
It would be great if there was a way to declare certain feeds as related/bundled and mark all articles with the same title as read at once in all these "bundled" feeds.
One of the things I'm planning to add in future is hot links (like in Fever or SlowFeeds app). Hot links will contain links with lists of articles that have these links. It will be easy to see top themes and mark them read at once.
Boris commented
or : if you mark one article read, all other articles with the same URL will get marked read as well
I'm not sure that the title would be a good criterion, but that should depend on the kind of feeds you're reading.