Add a "tag name" field for each item in the "all tags" public feed

Sorry for the delay. I've added &tags parameter, so you should see your BazQux tags when bookmarking to Pinboard.
l9a commented
Спасибо Владимир!
"..&tags" will be good enough for me.
A shortcut for Pinboard will be nice touch too:), but as you have said, not many people are using it anyway...
And, of course, the best solution will be autosaving of tagged/starred items to Pinboard implemented in BazQux itself.
But I'm not sure that I will implement it soon since not many people are using Pinboard (although I'm personally one of them) and there are more important things to do first.
It seems that Zappier does not support RSS tags at all. Not sure about Integromat.
And even if user tags will be in RSS than they will be mixed with tags from source feed so it won't work fine. So if your tool does not support custom feed items (or even RSS tags) there seems to be no way to save items the way you want.
Do you have a lot of tags and do you use multiple tags on item? If not you could just make separate feeds for each tag and setup saving to Pinboard with particular tag for each feed (e.g., "video" tag feed saves items with "video" tag to Pinboard).
I could add "...&tags" (nice idea, btw) but it means that you need to manually resave each item to Pinboard. It's not convenient and you could always forget to "double save" an item.
l9a commented
I'm using the "tags" public rss to save tagged items to Pinboard (with my own tags, I've added in BQ).
Yes <bq:user_tag> looks the best of the three, but (just checked) Zippier and Integromat RSS do not parse bg:* items, so the tags should be somewhere in original rss <>
Or, if it's easier, why not add tags to "Share or bookmark" with Pinboard in BQ self (...&tags=)?
What is your use case: do you want to see tags in some feed reader or you want to extract them from feed using a script?
There's <category term="..."/> for tags that come with the item in source feed.
I could add some tag prefix (like <category term="bq: some_user_tag"/>) but I don't like that user tags and source tags are mixed. I could add a text to feed items (I don't like it too but it's possible to make it optional).
Or I could add a new tag, like
for these tags.Which option you prefer?