Allow users to import starred items from Google Reader Takeout
I have my starred items in Google Reader Takeout and would like to be able to import them.
Not yet. Busy with other tasks at the moment.
Anonymous commented
Can starred items now be imported? I cannot get it to work. Thanks!
You can mail me your user id from for both accounts and I'll join them
Exec commented
Do you have a time when it will be implemented?
For testing bazqux i imported it directly from google, and the starred items are there.
And as bazqux seems to be the best Reeder in the moment for me i want to pay for it.
But then i dont whant to use the google check in anymore, and use the openID check in.So a new bazqux account where i can import my starred items would be the solution to get rid of the google account.
Not yet. I haven't yet implemented starred items import from takeout.
Exec commented
should it work?
i have tried the complete "", "starred.json" and renamed "starred.xml".
There is no error message, but there are no items at the "starred items" -
Try again
Oleg commented
it says that size is too big
Andrew Burns commented
It doesn't import when loading Tried to upload just the starred feeds, but it's in JSON. Tried converting that to XML, but it doesn't recognize the format. This is a huge feature that needs to be added in.