Allow to filter starred articles by feed
It would be great if it was possible to filter the starred articles by feed.

Olaf commented
I would love to see an expandable feed tree under the star just like for all articles.
There is a keyboard shortcut to go to Starred items "d then s". Most probably it will be used in this Reeder-style switch I'm thinking to implement.
RL commented
I like your suggestion from April a lot, VS! If that option is offered, a keyboard shortcut to go along with it would be great. I was going to suggest a kbd toggle for that separately... maybe I still should?
Labelled news -- do you mean items with tags?
I'm thinking to make Reeder-like switch: Unread/All/Starred. And probably add 4th button for tagged items if user have them (tags are used by less people than stars).
But I think to show tags list, not feeds with tagged items in this 4th mode.
Boris commented
And what about labelled news? I'd suggest to add
- show starred & labelled
- show news & starred & labelledMaybe three buttons,
1/ show old
2/ show starred
3/ show labelledso without anything, you'd only see new items, with 1/ you'd see all, with 2/ you'd see starred, with 2/ and 3/ starred and labelled etc.
But I don't want to make it too complicated either... "labelled & new", as suggested, would already be great.
- show
It's not that complex. Just too many other things to do at the moment.
roman commented
It would be the great thing. Does it take much effort to implement it?
Frederico Russo commented
This is now possible in the latest version of Feeddler. Awesome.
It's not quite Keep Unread, like the old GR, but it has removed a ton of stress from my workflow.
Bazzzzzz commented
I love it !!
David Enzel commented
I also would like the option of seeing starred items by folder as well as by feed.
Sergey Redin commented
I suggest to add "show new and starred" mode to folders and feeds to do it, maybe instead of "show new".