More frequent fetching of feeds that are updated more often
The frequency of feed updates is a good indication of how often feeds should be fetched. Feeds with entries every hour or two should be fetched several times in 10 minutes, while feeds with only one or two entries per month can be fetched once or twice a day.

Feeds that update every hour or two are already fetched each 15-45 minutes. Plus there are many realtime feeds. I don’t think it worth to scan them more often. Otherwise websites could start to ban BazQux Reader feed fetchers.
Maxim R commented
Bazqux support pubsubhubbub, so if your feed support it, polling times are irrelevant. if your feed does not support it, contact site's owner and ask them to add it. :)
Zach Rhonheimer commented
I had thought this was an issue too but I found that many sites have multiple RSS feed urls and usually at least one of them support real-time updates. With trial and error on these I was able to get much faster updates on a lot of my feeds.
Of course at the same time I would never complain about faster fetching. Newsblur fetches every 12-15 minutes for most feeds which is probably a bit much but 30-45 minutes would be sufficient to me for the few feeds that don't support real-time updates.
Currently feed fetching rate depends on the time of last post. If it's within a week feed is updated each 0.5-1.5hours. Within a month - each 1.5-3 hours. Then refresh rate is 1+2*N_months_since_last_post.
And many feeds have real-time update enabled and updates are coming within minutes.
allan commented
Disagree that once or twice a day is good enough for rarely-updated feeds. Those can be the feeds I need to know about the instant they're updated.
As an example, consider the Apple press release feed. Very rarely updated, sometimes extremely important to journalists the second that it is. Google Reader was excellent at this sort of thing.