Mobile app
BazQux Reader now has a nice mobile web interface
Reeder 3 (iOS & Mac)
Unread (iOS)
(you need to add Fever account and set as a server).
Feeddler Pro (iOS)
Fiery Feeds (iOS)
Lire (iOS)
Web Subscriber (previously SlowFeeds) (iOS)
Vienna RSS (Mac)
ReadKit (Mac) supported via Fever API
FeedMe (Android)
NewsJet (Android)
Gravity (Android)
BazQux Reader supports both Google Reader API and Fever API
Please tell developers of your favorite app to add support for BazQux Reader.
I don't have plans to create app at the moment since website works much better than apps (smooth infinite scrolling without constantly swiping article and articles list). Perhaps I could create app which is just a website with some additional features (like bookmarking from OS) but not more.
Try to add website to home screen. It will behave mostly like app (and many people actually prefer it to apps).
And quality app requires a lot of effort (Reeder turned 10 years recently). I'd better focus on the best web experience than to compete with apps like Reeder or FeedMe.
Anonymous commented
already on 2020 and still no app.....
Andrew Forde commented
The only issue with using Fever to read BazQux feeds is the unsupported 'mark as read on scroll' which is a killer feature for me. A native client on iPhone and iPad would be great as it would give the chance to have a consistent user experience.
No news about WP8 so far.
roman commented
Hi, any news as for access from WP8 devices?
Maxim, I'm planning to add comments to API but at the moment I'm busy implementing few most requested features.
Maxim Strukov commented
Vladimir, please add comments to BazQuz API.
btw NewsJet - nice app. -
Возможно это приложение заработает под Windows Phone (хотя оно больше не разрабатывается), надо задать как сервер Fever
Это больше зависит от разработчиков этих ридеров. Стоит им написать, попросить, чтобы интегрировали
roman commented
Скажите, пожалуйста, планируется ли интеграция с ридерами, доступными для WP?
Olaf commented
If you want support for Bazqux in a particular mobile app, please take the time to write a short note to the developer of the app! The more demand he sees, the more likely he will implement this!
I did nag Newsify! ;-)
Suoshi Etchi commented
чтобы не быть многословным:
Suoshi Etchi commented
Сегодня статус голосования "Integrate with" в блоге JustReader'а сменился на "Complited"!
JustReader developer is planning to support BazQux. But he integrating Feedly at the moment (almost finished and released beta today).
Suoshi Etchi commented
I am use JustReader and i like it very much! Please add support to this app.
Patrick Walters commented
Are there any other Android apps compatible with BazQux other than NewsPlus?
GB commented
Snobbing Windows Phone ?
back to Feedly then... -
Сергей Пименов commented
Feeddler Pro is good app, so problem with mobile devices is solved.
Dan Christensen commented
Thanks for adding the API! News+ is working well for me in my initial tests.
NoFence commented
//А какие у него концептуальные недостатки?
Возможно "концептуальные" — это громко сказано, но я про себя назвал так недостатки, которые быстро не исправляются, как мне кажется. Во-первых, прокрутка клавишами громкости внутри статей хромает: последний экран не дополняется пустым пространством, в результате чего взгляд при чтении сбивается и долго приходится искать строку, на которой остановился. И так раз за разом в каждой статье. Неудобно.Во-вторых, банально не нашел режима полноэкранного просмотра. Сверху висит панель состояния плюс строка с настройками программы. А у меня не такой большой экран. Ну, реклама снизу уберется после покупки.