Some way to postpone reading an item until later, without marking it as read
The problem: the top of my feed is perpetually clogged with things I want to get around to reading at some point, but not just right now. Meanwhile there are lots of older items I probably would be interested in reading right now (or would mark as read, if I'm no longer interested in them), but I never see them, because I would have to press "j" a hundred times to skip over all the other ones at the beginning.
Potential solution #1: A "send to back" action which moves the item to the end of the list. It is still in the list, and unread, and if I skip over, mark as read, or likewise send to back all the other items before it, I will see it again. (Could be paired with a "send to front" action for explicitly prioritizing an older item, rather than deprioritizing a newer one, for symmetry.) This would be my preferred solution.
Potential solution #2: A "snooze" action which removes the item from the list temporarily, and inserts it as a new item again after some interval (a week? exponential backoff?).
Potential solution #3: might also work, though it's less under-the-user's-control / "empowering"
As a point of reference, I had structurally the exact same problem with my browser tabs. After figuring out that the TreeStyleTab extension allowed me to implement a kind of workaround-solution (by putting all the "read later" tabs in a single subtree, then using drag-and-drop to move it backwards out of the way), the number of tabs I have open gradually dropped from the hundreds into the low tens (for probably the first time in my life). Being able to solve this problem in BazQux as well would be a massive improvement in its usefulness to me.
(What wouldn't work: bookmarking, Pocket, starring, or anything else which requires me to go out of my way to explicitly retrieve the items which I have "postponed". This invariably results in never looking at the postponed items ever again, and then in not using that "solution" any more because it doesn't help.)

Esprit commented
Wouldn't an easy solution in mobile be to allow for swiping read without having to use the down arrow or clicking to mark as read?
In general preferred method is to star article you want to read later (although it may lead to lots unread starred items).
I'm planning to add Reeder-like all/unread/starred switch where you can see feeds with starred items only. It could simplify searching of unread starred items.
I don't want to complicate reader by adding yet another message state.
There is a similar option which quite a few people want (mostly people coming from Feeddler app I presume).
Interesting, if there will be a "keep unread" state (when item marked as read only by manually clicking on it, or pressing 'm') coupled with option to place such items first/last/chronologically in feed, will it work for you?
Gábor Lehel commented
(Oops, not sure how that stray "massive" got left there at the end. Don't see a way to edit.)